THOUGHT: The World has recently descended into a fragile state.  ‘The World’ here means the human world, the procedures, institutions, methods, customs, civilities etc. which allow seven billion of us to “get along together”, after a fashion, on this planet...

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Philosophy for Renewing Reason – 13

Having taken a nuts-and-bolts issue (the education needed for renewing reason) in Instalment 12 of this blog, we now turn back to philosophy proper, and the new emphases needed there, if reason is to make a comeback. Philosophy, from a very broad perspective, is the study of how we can […]

Philosophy for Renewing Reason – 12

The last blog (No. 11) pointed out that to embark on the Renewal of Reason Project will be to start a long hard, taxing journey, but one which is essential if civilisation is to survive. Without the help of reason, civilisation risks collapsing under the weight of its multiple contradictions, […]

Philosophy for Renewing Reason – 11

We need to renew our commitment to reason, which means, in effect, rigour, much stamina and open-mindedness in grappling with deep problem issues. Neglect of reason leads in the end to the pathology of personal hedonism, which is blind and inward-looking. The world which sleep-walked into Covid-19 in January 2020 […]

Philosophy for Renewing Reason – 10

We saw in Part 9 that evolutionary explanations have a rarely discussed downside. They only work well when they are applied to recent episodes where we have a very secure sense that we know what the furniture of the past was like.  Once our “mental picture” of the past begins […]

Philosophy for Renewing Reason – 9

The last blog (No. 8) broached the issue of the historic natural attachment of the most reflective people to the God Hypothesis —the fact that for untold years a consensus existed that the only way to account for the existence of everything was to postulate that it was all created […]

Philosophy for Renewing Reason – 8

There are signs that the worst of the pandemic may be over, but the economic damage it has already done is huge.  Putting the economy back together again will require a more positive, more rational, imaginative mindstyle… than anything we have seen in recent times. Much wider, more creative, more […]

Philosophy for Renewing Reason – 7

SOME GOOD NEWS Extra thinking time made possible by the Covid Lockdown has led to a major breakthrough in Actimatics, the new quasi-mathematical discipline introduced in these Blogs. Actimatic modelling allows us for the first time to aspire to conceptualising a dynamic model of the universe including human consciousness.  The […]

Philosophy for Renewing Reason – 6

STOP PRESS The coronavirus has changed personal perceptions dramatically. Nothing looks the same today as it did three months ago. It has made almost everyone aware of the inherent fragility of the present World Order… in health terms, in employment terms, in economic terms and, for those most dangerously affected, […]

Philosophy for Renewing Reason – 5

FUTURE SHOCK: Isn’t this new picture of the universe one gigantic, fanciful, unnecessary thought upheaval? No, it is a large upheaval, but it is neither “fanciful” nor “unnecessary”. There have been many necessary “gigantic thought upheavals” in human history. As when the Greeks discovered that the Earth was spherical, not […]

Philosophy for Renewing Reason – 4

THOUGHT: Part 3 led to a surprising conclusion, namely that the ultimate constituents of physical reality must be absolutely random. If their behaviour still possessed vestiges of pattern, they would cry out for further scientific explanation. If so, they would not count as the “ultimate constituents” of physical reality. There […]

Philosophy for Renewing Reason – 38

Remembrance Sunday was held this year in Whitehall on November 13th and the ceremony was staged…with the usual spectacular turnout of the British Royal Family and the UK/Commonwealth establishment.  The presence of WW1 veterans has virtually ceased, but the haunting music which rings out while wreaths are placed on the […]

Philosophy for Renewing Reason – 37

An Interim Report has recently been published by Baroness Casey on the state of the Metropolitan Police’s response to misconduct within the force. It says that numbers of Met officers are being sacked for misconduct every year, but also that these numbers are not enough: there are, apparently hundreds of […]

Philosophy for Renewing Reason – 36

Queen Elizabeth II’s sudden death has brought home to many of us the role she played in balancing the persistent anti-social, nihilistic aspects of modernity.  Which raises the question <<Why did such a persistent vein of anti-social emphases come to be so up-front and prevalent?>>. Well, for about a hundred […]

Philosophy for Renewing Reason – 35

Anti-mathematics is the new, the 100% abstract, 100% logical, 100% lucid way… to describe transient reality.  And there are transient realities all around us, quite different from —actually much commoner than— the allegedly timeless realities onto which so much attention has, historically, been paid. How did it come about that […]